category 'gnss-applications'
This content shows how to create a digital elevation model using GNSS data and create a 3D model.
This content shows configuration and data collection from U-BLOX receiver, field observation and how to process static and kinematic positioning.
This content presents GNSS observation by two main positioning solutions including kinematic application for movement and static applications for more accurate measurement. Moreover, survey method and procedure guidelines are described...
This content presents biases (ionosphere, clock, orbit, troposphere, receiver and multipath) and receivers in GNSS observation
This content presents GPS and GNSS signal systems including time, control points, navigation code, modulation types, wavelength, etc.
This content introduces the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), its example, earth observation orbit types, coordinate systems, GNSS time system, converting height (ellipsoidal, geoid, orthometric heights) and various GNSS applications....